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The Semrush Interview Process

At Semrush, we take a serious and comprehensive approach to hiring new people. We welcome those who are professionals in their field and passionate about their work to join our team.

A “five-minute interview” or “get a job in three clicks” approach is not the way we work.

During the interview, we ask candidates to talk about themselves and their background in detail. We try to discover the most important aspects about the way someone works and their personality before a job offer is made.

Man and woman laughing in chairs

The main stages of the interview are described below. These may vary depending on the location, division, or team.

Up to 3 days

Once your resume is received it will be reviewed by a member of the Talent Acquisition team. We try to provide feedback within three working days.

Flexible approach for an interview format

We’re flexible and open for both online interviews and personal meetings at the offices. Choose the option that’s most suitable for you!

In order for the online meetings to be productive, we suggest following these tips to make sure you are set up well:

  • Join the interview from a laptop or desktop computer (not a smartphone). You may need to print something or present your screen during the interview.
  • Please turn on your camera. Visual communication is especially important for us.
  • Choose a quiet place to talk. Attending an interview from the street is not a good idea.
  • Keep your phone at hand in case there are technical issues that mean we have to continue the interview by direct call.

Good luck!